Sunday, September 8, 2013

art on the vine

a friend bought a groupon to this class for us.
the owner/artist at takes photos and transfers the image to a canvas. she provides the acrylic paints and 2 hours of her space. it's a b.y.o.b. event too :)

those 2 hours went by at the speed of lightning! i really thought my picture would come out boring because i felt i was simply just coloring within the lines and it'd been about 10 years since i'd used acrylics. but before i knew it, i was adding ranges of values, trying to create chiaroscuro, i was changing the colors up a bit from the original photo source, etc. and then i realized it no longer mattered where the initial drawing came from. i kinda made it my own and i had so much fun! (and i didn't even bring the booze) tee hee

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