the assignment was to create an emotion or a feeling in a drawing without using a human figure. well...
my idea looked good as a thumbnail in my sketchbook but i look at this and all i can think of is "monster eye". maybe i'm just being silly. we had to use space, light and perspective to convey a feeling. i thought i could convey fear. so many people have stage fright (myself included). the perspective was suppose to be from high in the balcony. i probably should have made the stage scene a bit smaller. i don't know. the spotlight is a focal point. the spotlight was also suppose to have a dramatic light effect. i don't know how i feel about this piece. i think i need to darken the curtains to match the top curtain. and maybe the shape of the stage just isn't working for me. hmm...
For me, it conveyed nervousness, since that is how I'd feel if I were up on a fancy stage like that with a big spotlight shining on me! Stage fright, for sure... Nice work! :)