Saturday, September 29, 2012

still experimenting & happy stuff

not too pretty but it's a start
one of my goals in life is to do visual journaling. i have always loved to see drawings done in ink and watercolor. well, i found a blog where her lettering and drawings are wonderful!  so i signed up for one of her online classes, "letter lab". there's a thing i do in my composition notebooks where i list "happy stuff" on random days. i try to write the title "happy stuff" with different designs or in a different lettering style. my creativity in this department goes only so far. i thought this class would be good for me and i was right. i went out and bought some watercolor pencils, a watercolor brush that you actually put water in the handle, and a small multi media book. i need to practice, practice, and practice more! the watercolor thing is still new to me and proving to be a little more difficult than i want it to be.

as i was looking through my current composition book, i realized i haven't been writing my happy lists. i started doing them to be mindful of what i have to be grateful for and to force myself to find things to appreciate even on those mediocre days.

on sept 26th i planned to do one of those photo an hour days but that didn't happen. i did make some yummy korean food. i tried to eat the noodles with those chop sticks, ugh so sad. it makes me a little embarrassed that i'm asian and can't do it.

today's happy stuff:
     *  passing ACLS re certification class
     *  getting a free lunch during that class
     *  a quiet, relaxing saturday evening at home
     *  the awesome smell of washing a load of laundry
     *  being on the phone with my oldest while she explored the new fresh market store in her neighborhood,
she was having too much fun in there :)

jap chae; bean sprouts; kimchi; cucumber kimchi, & white rice!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

finding happiness

i love seeing pictures of random things that look like a happy face formed. like when you can see a face in a potato chip or a smile in some floral arrangement.

i realize that as i walk in my neighborhood i spend most of the time looking at my feet. some of the sidewalks are made of brick and a lot of the walk is uneven due to tree roots and what not. so since i am accident prone, i guess i want to make sure i don't fall. however, i miss out on the beauty around me and i think i miss out on opportunities to see a smiley face in a random area.

not too long ago i wanted to make mashed potatoes so i peeled some potatoes and voila! a happy face appeared in the peel stuck to the inside of the trash can.
maybe i'm being silly, but it made me happy :)
do you see it too?