i came across one blog that asked for readers to link their photo an hour posts. http://amymorby.com/2012/03/21/a-day-in-the-life-suckas/#idc-container
well, here's my attempt to do one too :)
9am: cocka doodle doo; i don't do coffee |
10am: showered & dressed; baxter has to do his business. a gorgeous day today! i do love my neighborhood! |
11am: painting class meets here today to see the exhibit "30 americans" |
1pm: lunch; cheap and easy |
2pm & 3pm: i can't seem to separate myself from the sofa; wonderful nap! |
4pm: trip to the vet; getting ready to start doggie daycare next week |
6pm: waited for the rain to stop; time to make groceries |
8pm: dinner! teriyaki chicken, rice, sauteed sugar snap peas. yum! |
9pm: felt like making a cake; checked email, read some blogs, felt guilty for not working on my drawing assignment |
11pm: time for netflix |
after this movie i will spend a few hours working on my drawing. i don't have to go to work tomorrow so no alarm clock! baxter gets to meet the people and other dogs at the doggie daycare in the morning. this will be his first time doing anything like this. i feel like he's starting kindergarten or something!