it's our little charlie brown tree. funny how i can't get the ornaments to turn and face me. most of the snowmen are looking the other way! they must be shy :) i love having a living tree in my home. i'm just happy baxter hasn't cocked his leg up to it to do what he does best :) maybe next year i will start a tradition of only having hand made ornaments on our tree. hey, i think that's a great idea. so this christmas day we will each make our first handmade ornament. i've also been wanting to make my own christmas cards to send out as well. i need to hurry up, i don't have much time left! oh, and by the way, that book on the window sill was a gift from a friend/co worker who told me before that i reminded her of the story "if you give a mouse a cookie" so this book is "if you take a mouse to the movies". i'm not like that at all...really :)